
Thursday, December 27, 2007

The city of the technolodgy and tradition

Thanks to their industrialization,beer tradition and soccer fame,Munich is one of the most beautiful and most known
Cityes in the world.The name of the city comes from the word Munichen what’s meen “monarch place”.
Muich also is the capital of the german state “bavaria”,and
It’s the third larger city after Berlin and Hamburg.
In past munich was established in 1158 from the princ
Henrich der Live and then Munich was small trade place.
Munich is in the south part of Germany and his nick name is
“The world city whit a hart”.
Now in Munich live about 1.34 million peoples and there can find differents peoples from around the world.
The population of Munich can be proud of three things:
The beer festival “Oktober fest”,the car factori BMW and the soccer club F.C Bayern Munich.
October fest is one of the Munich’s most famous attraction.
For two weeks,Oktober fest is the most popular manifestation in the world.The October fest was first held on
12 october 1810.
The fudbal club Bayern.M is also proud of Germany because Bayern have big football fame and it’s so nice to be part of the munich when Bayern play.
Third proud of munich is the factori for motors and cars “BMW”(bayerish motoren wegs).
Munich is also known because of culinary specalitates.
The german white sausage is traditionally eaten only before
12 p.m (when there were is refrigerators they used to be best until that time) The most famous soup might be the leberkondel Soup. Leberkondel is a bread dumpling seasoned with liver and onions.
schweinsbriaten (pot roasted pork) with kondel (dumplings made from potatoes or white bread) and Kraut (cabbage) and Schweinshaxn (pork knuckle) are served as lunch or dinner. Beuscherl, a plate of lung, heart and spleen is also served with dumplings.
Popular as dessert is the traditional Bavarian Apfelstrudel apple strudel with vanilla sauce, the Millirahmstrudel a cream cheese strudel, Dampfnudeln (yeast dumplings served with custard) or Auszogene, a fried pastry shaped like a large donut but without a hole.